Hello 2015 I’ve been waiting for you!!

Well 2015 has been a bit hectic, but fun to say the least! I decided to split the post that I had been working on into 2 and not publish the negative one, but hey in life you do have ups and downs, so if you really want to delve into what happened in our lives in 2014 go to 2014 – A Backward Glance it’s not a happy read, but it ends on a high note.

Me, Myself and I
I took a decision (a type of new year’s resolution) that this year is going to be about me. Now this may seem self-centred, but I have put everybody before me for years and now that Tomato is well on her way to recovery, I think it’s high time I focused on me and all my ailments.
I’ve spent a lot of time with friends (yay!) having coffee dates, picnics, lunches dinner and more dinner (yes mostly involving food!!) We’ve had some deep, meaningful conversations and I have met some amazing people who have imparted their wisdom to me and reignited my spark. I have sent off for a book that was out of print and didn’t arrive in the mail (however I am still hopeful that it will get here) about a plan to systematically get rid of my auto-immune disease or at least get it to a point where it is controlled because right now it’s all over the place. The one thing I don’t like about this book is the diet involving organ meat ewwww but I’m game to try so just need to source an organic organ meat supplier and get going. I was very excited when I read that I had to consumer Sweet Breads which sounded delish [think Kitka] but then I googled it and learned that it is a term for brain, lungs and glands!! Sooooo not having eaten organ meat in my entire life, this should be a fun task *not* so wish me luck!

Bacon started Grade 1 and loves her teacher and is doing so well. She was eagerly awaiting the day when she would get her own homework, which she eventually got after the first week, but she sobbed when it was over because she wanted more!! (Long may that last!) She has started doing netball (how cute) and is always as neat as a pin. One of the many things I like about their school, is the buddy system. Basically each grade 1 gets allocated a buddy in grade 7 to help them with any problems they have. Their buddy visits them for the first couple of weeks at break to see if they are ok and know where everything is, and then they are a “big brother or big sister” to the little ones for the year. So Bacon was allocated Jasmine who is just the kindest, most loving little girl imaginable. She loves Bacon and gave her a chocolate on their first meeting, so Bacon feels like she has a friend for life. This week we went to see her swim in her very first gala called a “buddy gala.” I was amazed that our little girl came third in her race! The final race was where each child got onto their buddy’s back and was carried across the pool in the “buddy race”- such fun! At this stage I have to mention, why oh why are there so many parents who are keen to join in on the races?? All my tots wanted to know was why I didn’t participate in the moms’ race!! “Um no, sorry sweetie, I completely forgot and left my bikini at home – darn, maybe next time.” (or not, whatever).

Tomato started Grade 3 and we’ve been to an orientation evening, a parent’s evening and another 2 evening workshops, so the school is keeping us busy. She has started art club and choir which is exactly what she enjoys. Due to her new skin program she can’t swim go near grass or sweat, so she is limited with sports but the results have been so phenomenal that I have no problem with it (although she does). By next swimming season I think we will be able to re-introduce swimming and playing on grass. I have become an active member of the team of parents marketing this Eczema doctor’s approach and Tomato wants to fly to Cape Town to meet Dr A and say thank you. How cute is that?

Thankfully all the uniform, stationery and endless other shopping (and labelling each and every flipping item), is behind us and the girls are pretty much settled into their new grades.

Tomato was due to go to the Ophthalmologist to have her eyes re-examined and wooohoooo after 2 and a half years of patching her one eye, we can stop!!

The Ophthalmologist said due to my A-type, anal personality making sure she put that friggin horrible patch on religiously (even though we’ve waged war over it) Tomato has had the best result possible. [See!! Sometimes us A-types do actually come in handy!] Yes she will still have to wear glasses but we’ve laid the best foundation possible for the rest of her life! I told you 2015 was gonna be awesome didn’t I?  Thankfully after “the incident” with her glasses in December, the medical aid paid for new frames and lenses, so I was very grateful – phew!

It is very strange not to be measuring, working out, crushing, mixing and concocting things for Tomato to take. We are down to one tablet in the morning and nothing else. Amazing that we have eventually caught up with how “normal people” live and it is blissful.

I was asked to take Tomato for a hearing test as she is battling with reading. The audiologist thought that she had a perforated eardrum as she had very little hearing in one ear. Thanks heavens we discovered after a visit to the ENT that it was just a blockage and after all the gunk was removed, she re-tested with 20/20 hearing (haha have not idea what 100% hearing is called, so let’s just go with 20/20).

Little Lettuce is starting pre-school [sob] He’s going to start being a little scholar and he just can’t wait to go to “my little school,”
although I could wait, he can’t. He has already taken to Bacon’s old school bag and wheels it around behind him all the time, wanting to get in the car in the mornings and it is just heartbreaking to see him being left behind every time. I’ve often said that he can stay at home until he’s 16 because he’s growing up so fast, but judging by the destruction of our home, I think it’s time he started on his own little path [sob again!]

The two pictures on the left show his artwork on my keyboard, screen, mouse and a few household items. The blue is nail polish.
Moving along to the artwork on the walls. The two photos on the right, are the centrepiece in our diningroom and lounge.

Then finally we have an entire contents of a clear nail polish emptied onto the wooden flooring in my office. He seems to be VERY creative! *sigh*

Work-wise, I was contacted unexpectedly by a different division, so I’ve been working for my favourite company for the past 2 months and I started lecturing again this month, so I’m being kept out of mischief.

I have been given some direction in my life and I am very excited to see how this all plays out. I think it’s time to carry on with my writing, focus on the well being of our little family and help others who are struggling.

Our ship is coming in and for once we’re not at the airport!!!

LG – Life is gooooood!!!

Look out world, here I come……….

Rainbow over our garden

PS Thanks for reading my blog, I hit 10 000 views and didn’t even realise it!!

I am a work-from-home mom with 3 children. The title of my blog comes from the initial of each of their first names. The eldest is 11 years old, her name is Tomato, the second is 9 years and her name starts with a B so she is Bacon and the baby boy is 6 and he is Lettuce. Join me in the adventures of me and my family and any other issues that I feel that I need to get off my chest! Hopefully my blog will give you "food for thought" and a bit of a giggle :)