Why do we do it?

Humans are strange creatures. We are the only species where many of us live in a state of heightened or perpetual stress. Surviving in a constant state of fight or flight, without imminent danger. Cortisol courses through our bodies as we struggle to meet the demands placed on us we have placed on ourselves.
Scare Someone, it’s Fun
Everyone has stress. Scare the bejeebers out of someone and Adrenalin will kick in, allowing the person to run away from the perceived danger (you). Once the Adrenalin rush has passed, most of us go back to just the constant cortisol that we know and love. We should not have cortisol in our system long term. Never heard of cortisol? It’s that wonderful chemical that gets produced to give you that ‘second wind’ when you need to stay up late watching Netflix or working overtime or going to that party when you’re really exhausted.
Our bodies get tired and we ignore the signs so that we can cram more into our day than our bodies want. Us humans are the only creatures that deprive ourselves of sleep by choice. I am guilty of this. Sometimes I walk around like a zombie so that I can cram in everything that I have to want to do everyday.
Our Temple
Our bodies are incredible. The abuse we foist upon them year in and year out, often takes decades to show. Some signs will be forefront and center like cancer or a heart attack. Others will take the long, slow road of an auto immune disorder or an underlying illness. Others, will just age poorly and then others, let’s face it, just seem bullet-proof! How unfair!
I moved half way across the world and am fortunate to have a lot less stress here. But sometimes I can feel that tingling of cortisol lingering for longer than needed and my breath is a little shorter and I start to stress about being stressed! I’ve come to realise that I am my own worst enemy.
Oh Duck!
I remember reading a spiritual book that told the story of two ducks in a pond. One duck swam too close to the other and there was an awful noise of quacking and splashing with wings flapping, informing the intruder of her transgression. Once the fight was over, both ducks swam their separate ways. The first didn’t go to his friend and start complaining about what happened and how the other duck should have known better. She didn’t spend half an hour complaining, allowing her day to be ruined by the negative interaction. The other duck didn’t go home that night and fight with her family because she was humiliated by her mistake. Both ducks didn’t give the incident any weight. Both ducks let it go.
I wish I was a duck.