Choosing Happiness

My Boring Life
I’ve realised since writing every day, that my life is pretty boring LOL. When I started this writing quest, I thought I’d write about what I did every day. Until sitting down to write this post, I hadn’t thought much about my non-eventful life which does not contribute to riveting content. It was a bit of an eye-opener today to discover that I actually like my boring life. So I’ve had to dig a little deeper to write this post. This is something I do every single day. I choose to be happy.
It’s a Daily Choice
People think I’m just a happy person. I’m not. Every day I open my eyes and I’m grumpy. Not being a morning person, I would sell my soul in exchange for more sleep. Fortunately, not living at Hogwarts with soul-sucking Dementors nearby, my soul remains intact. Being such a grumpy morning person, I decide each and every day that this day, is going to be an awesome day. If I don’t make that conscious decision every day, I’m handing over my happiness to others to make me happy. And a lot of people aren’t happy.
By choosing happiness, I don’t need much to put a smile on my dial. Massive gestures aren’t required, although there would be no complaints. Small things that other people take for granted, make me happy. Meals prepared or a message from a friend, near or far lifts my spirits. A hug from my BLT fills my heart. A cup of tea made by Bacon boosts my mood. All of these things and more contribute to my overall happiness. Let’s not even go down the road of how much chocolate makes me happy…. small things.

I’m what is known as an ambivert. I love people and I am energized by others with similar energy. While I behave like an extrovert among people I know, I also possess introvert tendencies. This means that unlike an extrovert, when I’ve had enough of people, I need to regroup away from the madding crowds. I need calm, peace and quiet. With three lively children, solitude is hard to come by.
God’s Country
One of the great perks of living in this beautiful country, is that I am never far from a spectacular view, beach or river where I can regroup and enjoy the calm. Everywhere is green (except my grass in summer!) My friend calls New Zealand ‘God’s country’ and I think she may be on to something. Nothing fills my soul more than a walk on the beach or through a scenic reserve. NZ has literally hundreds of scenic reserves all over the country. I’m not sure how I survived for so many years without this daily beauty in my life.

Deep Sadness Ignites Gratitude
Reading about the suicide of Caroline Flack, I allowed myself to dwell on the pain she must have felt, the injustice of it all. Today I sat with the sadness thinking about suicide and what it would take to bring a person to act on the impulse to end it all. I could have gone down that rabbit hole, I could have gone back. All the questions I had today for Caroline I’ve asked before and they remain unanswered. It took a massive effort to choose to be happy for the second time today, but I did. It would have been easier not to, but I chose to find happiness in what I had. Was today a fabulously happy day? No, it couldn’t be after the way it began BUT there are things that made me smile and I’ll hold onto those because I.Choose.Happiness.
RIP Caroline
Always great reading what comes from your pen (or keyboard). And I agree – being happy is a choice one needs to make each day despite the challenges because the challenges are always lurking somewhere. Not easy, but necessary – even for us as dads.
Thanks for the compliment. Balance is critical but sometimes elusive.