The Library

Hi I’m Lisa and I’m an addict.
I Blame My Mom
I have fond memories of my mom taking me and my siblings to the local library where we were allowed to take out two books each – one English, one Afrikaans. I went from picture books to Nancy Drew, Secret Seven and finally I was allowed to take out books from the adult section. My mom used that library until the day she died.Often she would bemoan the fact that she couldn’t find a book she hadn’t read.
Pleasantly Surprised
When we arrived in New Zealand, I was very keen to find our local library as I had also taken my BLT to the library many times in SA and they too loved the whole experience. But wow I was not prepared for the very first world experience at our local library.
I signed us all up and everyone got their own card. Finding out that members could take out up to 30 books each, for 28 days at a time, was a real eye-opener. Bearing in mind that I was used to six books per member for a maximum of two weeks in SA. After choosing our books, I didn’t quite understand that we could check them out ourselves.
Here you take all the books that you have to a check out counter and scan your barcoded card. Then you, pile the books on the desk and it automatically reads all the barcodes of all the books from the pile! After that you can choose either email or a print out stating which books you have taken out and when they are due back.

Book a Book
A few weeks later I wanted a book that was not in our local library so the librarian showed me on one of the 6 available computers, that you can order it online. I thought yeah right, the book I was after had been published recently, so it was unlikely that they would have it. But she showed me where to request it online and confirmed that they did indeed have the book! I was delighted.
Unfortunately it was not at my library so I envisioned travelling. But no, I could put the book on hold. That all sounded lovely, but the screen showed 28 people ahead of me on the waiting list. I did a quick calculation and thought 28 people taking a book for potentially 28 days each, is a couple of years before I get to read this book. Patiently the librarian pointed out that they had 86 copies around Auckland, because it was a popular title.
She assured me that it wouldn’t be too long before my book would be in my local library. She then assured me that I’d be contacted when the book was ready for collection. Again, I didn’t hold out much hope.But sure enough, about 10 days later I got an email stating that my book had arrived and it would be kept for me to collect within a week. I was very impressed with their automated online system.
New Zealand is very keen on getting kids to read. Steps are provided for the kids to enable them to scan their own cards and books. It’s super easy. They used to love getting a little slip of paper listing their books, but now, like me, prefer getting it on email. Because we take out so many books now, I can refer to the email when I need to return them. It does get a little tricky to keep track otherwise. The email reminder to return books close to their due date has proven invaluable for our family of 5, taking out loads of books each week.
Extra Activities
The library also has a host of other activities to entice people to read. During the summer holidays the kids can sign up for an activity book that they complete after reading each day. After finishing all the reading and other fun tasks, there is a party for all the bookworms. They also do cupcake decorating, crafts, shows and magic displays throughout the year. They also have some really cute promotions to encourage reading. The kids love going there.

Another thing I’ve struggled to get my head around is that there are puzzles. These can be taken out without any scanning. It’s an honesty system. Use it, bring it back. I’ve taken out numerous puzzles and some even have cute notes in them from other puzzlers. My favourite was the sealed envelope in a WASJIG (a back to front puzzle) which had the picture of the finished puzzle that you could open if frustration got the better of you.
Did I mention that the Auckland library is completely free of charge? The only payment would be if a book wasn’t returned on time. BUT kids don’t get charged on their books because they want kids to read without any punishments.They really have thought of everything! This includes ebooks, audiobooks, DVDs and magazines, many of which can be downloaded.
Forgive me father for I have sinned
Now I just need to remember to pace myself when requesting popular books as they can’t be renewed. And remind myself that I’ve set writing goals not reading goals this year. Only four thousand pages in 28 days eeeek! I better get reading and writing!