It’s Valentines Day

It was only 24 hours ago that I promised myself and anyone that read that blog, that I’d write a blog post every day and I’m already thinking that was a bad idea. All I want to do is go to bed. But if I do that, I’m never going to get to where I want to be. Aaaaghhhh why is life so hectic? On days like this I’m reminded of what my friend’s mother said about women receiving equal rights [I’m a firm believer in equal rights so don’t freak out!] she said: “women have earned themselves the right to be terminally exhausted.”
I love what I do, but boy oh boy today I’m thinking of this comment that stuck with me from years ago. I need more hours in the day. Obviously these added hours would also need a dash of extra energy, but I want more!
The Calm Before the Storm
Work was pressurised but under control today until a one hour meeting became a two and a half hour meeting. It was interesting with a lot of opportunities and avenues to follow but that threw my day off completely. I had scheduled to put in some hard work to meet some tight deadlines. Some were met and some were not. Monday is a new day. I am grateful for people going the extra mile to help make my campaign a success, because without everyone rallying, my launch next week is not going to be as fabulous as I know it is going to be. The next two weeks will be emotional as I have to say goodbye to two of my team members (we’re a very close team.) But I’m not going to think about those traitors friends today.
Home and Away
This morning each child (and hubby) woke up to a little heart shaped box of chocolates. I like to get in early so that they all promise that I am their only valentine – yay. That usually lasts for 15 minutes until they spy daddy. So when I got home, I was happy to see that everyone was still in high spirits. I was greeted with a happy pox-marked face. I think we’ve turned a corner on the new pox front. Woohoo!
The only way to defuse after a day like today is to go to my favourite place – the beach. Hubby took Spot (is it too soon to call her Spot?) to pick up Tomato, so it was just me and Lettuce at home. After swinging by to pick up his bestie, we hit the beach. Watching little boys playing on the beach is food for my soul. They made up games of monopoly on the beach, giggled, wrestled and spent a large proportion of their time throwing sand balls at each other, giggling, arguing and constantly agreeing game rule changes as they played. Boys. Running up and down the beach for an hour is the best sedative AND I got my dose of vitamin sea.
It has been a very long day but I don’t want to lose sight of the things that I am grateful for, because there are many. I am grateful to be surrounded by love on Valentines Day and every day. I am grateful that it is weekend and I am able to recharge. I am grateful for the beautiful place that we live in. I am grateful that it only gets dark at 8.30pm so that I can have a whole life after work before it gets dark. I’m grateful that I have the most beautiful beach on my doorstep.
This may not be the most exciting blog post that I’ve written, but this is part of life. Some days are full and rewarding, and others you just need to feed your soul and find happiness in the small things. I’m proud that I wrote something tonight when I would rather be sleeping. I can now go to bed content, with a full heart.
Happy Valentines Day everyone!
Love the new format! Looks really professional! Well done duck – love your posts (feel like you are here) so keep it up even though you’re tired. There are many books in you you know that.
Ah thanks Duck. New format needs a bit more work but there are only so many hours in a day. Many books?? Eeeek!! Thanks for the support, I really appreciate it.