2020 New Decade New Goals

I haven’t written a blog post for what feels like a VERY long time. When I went into my drafts folder, I had over TWENTY draft blogs that I started and never completed. All regarding our move to New Zealand. I’ve always spent a lot of time writing long, perfect (or as close to) posts, adding photos, doing the layout etc. It became exhausting. The motivation just wasn’t there to make it perfect.
My Mission
It’s a new year, a new decade, so one of my goals for 2020 is to write. Not only blog posts, but to finally finish my book that is very close to completion.So I’m wiping the cobwebs off my laptop and I’m going to make space in my life to write daily, so that I can do the book justice.I am carving out one hour per day to write to get the juices flowing.
The Pox
The latest, but not-so-exciting news from BLT is that Bacon has chicken pox. We knew it was only a matter of time after her best friend came down with it 2 weeks ago. Every day she would point to a mozzie bite and tell me she had spotted a spot. Finally on Sunday, with her temperature soaring, we realised, the time had come. We didn’t have to wait long before she was covered in the tiny (and not so tiny) blisters from head to toe. And I mean head to toe!
Bacon has very thin hair, so blisters are visible through her hair. She has them everywhere over her face,neck, shoulders, torso, limbs, right down to between her toes and today she got a new one under her foot. She has them in her ears, down her throat and even around her eyes. She’s finding it very uncomfortable being unable to sit, stand or lie down without putting weight on a bubble (her name for the blisters.) She looks like shes a pimply teenager with all the ‘bubbles’ on her face. The poor girl is miserable.
After the first horrible night, supermom here departed swiftly from the natural route that I usually take and headed straight to the GP for drugs. The only thing that was going to get her through this was to knock her out so that she slept and wouldn’t feel anything. When Tomato had eczema I had a pharmacy at home to stop any itch, but now I needed some antihistamines. Stat. I was pleasantly reminded about the fabulous perk in NZ that there is no charge for children to see the GP and the large bag of medication he prescribed were all free. Added bonus! My tax dollars at work.
I’m not talking about the app (although that is another battle I’m waging with our young teen.) I’m referring to the fact that the incubation period of chicken pox is 2-3 weeks and I’m the only one in the family who has had it. Yes, I think we’re in for a barrel of laughs over the next few weeks. Will they all get it? Will I get it again or will I get the adult version – shingles? Will Tomato get it and go into a full eczema flare which she hasn’t had in 5 years? While we all rush to boost our immune systems with all the natural remedies under the sun, only time will tell who will be left unscarred…..